Co-Curricular Programme:-
We offer a wide range of extra-curricular activities through which students can explore myriad interest and learn to work co-cooperatively.
Mahendra Model School ensure the overall development of students through its Co-Curricular program me. Health and Physical education forms an integral part of the syllabus.
The bulk of the Co-Curricular program me happen through Saturday activities. Apart from these school conduct. Several on and off campus program me excursions and trips, On inter & intra school competition. Students are encouraged to develop their leadership skills through a house system that is governed by a perfection body..
Mahendra Model School has been playing a vital role in the field of education & sports. It has unique infrastructure and it is the only CBSE recognized school we follow the syllabus prescribed by the committee based upon NCERT while for the upper classes we strictly adopt NCERT syllabus. Due weight age is given to develop good habits among the students like cleanliness, regularity and discipline. The school is working on the overall development of the students and hence due stress is given on sports activity.